Surathali Ella

Surathali Ella
25 th November 2006

Saturday, March 10, 2007

WELLAWATTA Beach Cleaning - March 10, 2007

Haritha Diyatha members took part in a cleaning campaign on the beach, in-front of the Wellawatta railway station. An public awareness program to keep the beach clean was also carried-out, displaying posters and boards. Mr. Aberatne, the station master & his staff of the Sri Lanka Railways provided much support for the event. The Costal concervation Department provided necessary posters & the Dehiwela Municiple council staff helped by providing garbage bags, and also disposing the collected non-digrative waste.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

KANNELIYA Field trip - January 20 & 21, 2007

Haritha Diyathya members visited the Kanneliya Forest Reserve. They went on the Kabbale mountain trail and also went to see the Anagimale water fall. Mr. Shrikantha Deniyegedara, a invited resource person delivered a lecture on 'The Irrigation system of Sri Lanka' on the night spent at the Kanneliya forest bungalow.