Surathali Ella

Surathali Ella
25 th November 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Devil's Staircase (Yakage Padipela)

On the following day of the Innogeration ceramony, the group visited the area known as the Devil's staires, between Bambarakanda & Hortonplains.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Surathali Ella Cleaning campaign

Before the Haritha Diyatha Inaugeration ceramony, the participants took part in a cleaning campaign near the Surathali Ella water-fall. Non-decomposing garbadge such as Plastics & polythene were collected and removed at the serounding area of the Water-fall. The Surathali-fall is at Halpe, in Balangoda, along the A4 main road. A Name Board along the main road, at the point of which the foot-path to the fall starts was fixed for the benefit of the passing-byers. The Chairman of the Balangoda Pradeshiya Sabha too participated to this occation. Member Asela Amarasiri co-ordinated the activity.

Haritha Diyatha Inaugural Ceramony

The Officail Inaugration Ceramony of the Haritha diyatha Envirinment Organization was held on the 25th of November, 2006, at a resort in Bambarakanda, facing the tallest water-fall in Sri Lanka. The ceromany began by Lighting traditional oil lamps and taking-on the Environment Protection oath. Haritha Diyatha T-shirts were presented to the members as a gesture of presenting memberships. Mr. Ariyadasa Edirisinghe who acted as the Caller until then, was presented with a token of appresiation. Members Jagath Jayasinghe & Aruna Sylva delivered special lectures at this event & member Chulani Medage entertained the audience with a spectacular Cultural dance. Members Asela Amarasiri, Jagath Jayasighe & Ariyadasa Edirisinghe Co-ordinated this activity.

The First Office-beares

Receiving Memberships
Recieving Memberships

about light-up oil lamps
Lighting Oil-lamps
First President's speech